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Massenet, J. - Manon (DVD-Video) [ DVD ]

Massenet, J. - Manon (DVD-Video) [ DVD ]

Sir Kenneth Mac Millan, Australian Ballet
Royal Ballet Covent Garden - Winter Dreams (A Ballet by Kenneth MacMillan, Set the music by Tchaikovsky) (DVD-Video)

Royal Ballet Covent Garden - Winter Dreams (A Ballet by Kenneth MacMillan, Set the music by Tchaikovsky) (DVD-Video)

Based on Anton Chekhov's play, The Three Sisters, Kenneth MacMillan's one-act ballet is unequivocally a masterpiece, revealing as it does the intricate relationship of the characters trapped in the stultifying atmosphere of a Russian provinical town at the turn of the 20th century. In this studio recording, Darcey Bussell dances the role of Masha, the sister married to a boring, worthy schoolteacher, danced by Anthony Dowell, and drawn into an adulterous affair with Colonel Vershinin, danced with passionate intensity and thrilling virtuosity by Irek Mukhamedov.

Darcey Bussell (Masha), Anthony Dowell (Kulygin), Irek Mukhamedov (Colonel Vershinin)

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