*Soundtracks & Musical
Michael Flatley - Michael Flatley's Lord Of The Dance: Dangerous Games (DVD-Video)
Michael Flatley's Lord Of The Dance: Dangerous Games - a spectacular new staging of the traditional masterpiece; a magical adventure of sight and sound that transports its audience to a mythical time and place, lifting the spirits and capturing the hearts of all who experience it. Based on Irish folklore, this classic tale of Good vs. Evil, expressed through the universal language of dance, has thrilled audiences worldwide and catapulted Irish dance to a new dimension and unprecedented worldwide acclaim.
Michael Flatley - Michael Flatley's Celtic Tiger (DVD-Video)
Всепризнатия майстор на танца Майкъл Флетли се завръща на сцената с нов спектакъл - CELTIC TIGER. С прекрасна музика, невероятни костюми и спиращи дъха специални ефекти, Celtic Tiger е епичен шедьовър, който пази духа и историята на Ирландия са танц и музика
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